Brand: EasyGoWagon
Product Name: Folding Wagon - EasyGoWagon Brand - Folding Utility Wagon with Shade Cover
This is information about Folding Wagon - EasyGoWagon Brand - Folding Utility Wagon with Shade Cover, please read the product description and features first. If you feel suitable and would like to purchase this Folding Wagon - EasyGoWagon Brand - Folding Utility Wagon with Shade Cover, then you can click the image to see current price. You can make sure whether this goods has the best quality. So you'll be able to buy Folding Wagon - EasyGoWagon Brand - Folding Utility Wagon with Shade Cover online with easy shipping to your home.
Folding Wagon - EasyGoWagon Brand - Folding Utility Wagon with Shade Cover
Product Features:
- Portable - We have the most portable design on the market and it folds to 1/8th of its original size
- Storage - Unlike common wagons this can be stored easily on a hook in your garage
- Lightweight - At only 31 pounds our wagon is 10 pounds lighter than the competition
- Safety - Our wagon has the largest wheel base making it safer and prevents the wagon from tipping
- Strong - Out design is proven and tested in the marketplace
And make sure since the discount will not last long. So, buy this item right now and I hope you might be lucky to get this Special Price

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